
Wednesday, November 18, 2015

The Key to Success

The truth is that I didn't know exactly what was holding me back from succeeding in my life.  I could have been:

  • afraid of failure
  • afraid of success
  • afraid of change
  • afraid that the naysayers could be right
  • afraid of letting my light shine
  • doubting myself
  • feeling that I didn't deserve to be successful
  • not believing in myself 
  • (something else that I was not even aware of!)

or any combination of above.

Maybe my real problem was that I thought that I needed to know why I was not manifesting my desires when in truth, it really doesn't matter.  I really don't need to be able to pinpoint the exact incident at the exact age that caused me to have the incorrect perception(s) which held me back in life.  Obviously something was blocking my path to success and what I do know is that whatever it was, it was just a meaningless and insignificant STORY that I made up in my mind to justify a feeling that I had about something that happened.  If I ever have that breakthrough or epiphany or insight or information or discovery that would be very nice but if not, it's not anything to get attached to or hung up over.  It was what it was and that's that.  Whatever it was is in the past and I am free to create a future that is free of limitation and constriction.

So here's what was going on for me:

I decided to create a meditation MP3 business so that I can put unique meditations on the market which combine binaural beats, nature sounds, muscle relaxation, breathwork, positive affirmations, visualization, self-hypnosis etc to help people relax, decrease stress and obtain optimal health and wellbeing.  I created a broad range of topics from Chakra balancing to Smoking Cessation and more.  I used Kabbalah and all kinds of Spiritual teachings in my scripts.  It took a long time to get the right background music made and to edit the first six tracks but it took an even longer time for me to put the finished products on the market.  My deadlines kept moving from holiday to holiday, season to season, and it took me much longer than anticipated to actually launch the business by making the MP3 download available for purchase.  I don't know why exactly, but it doesn't matter.  Here is what I discovered.

Even after putting my product online, I was still hesitant to talk about it, share it, use it in my private and community acupuncture sessions and tell my colleagues about it.  In a sense, I was hiding it from the world, thinking my clients would probably prefer to listen to something else--the usual relaxation music that I played during their sessions.

Then, while in the midst of taking my Self Expression & Leadership Program through Landmark Education, I was somehow inspired to share the following link to my meditation downloads with 6 colleagues who I had just performed a staff community acupuncture session on.  One of my colleagues, a mental health counselor/therapist at the drug rehabilitation center where I also see patients, was intrigued and curious and made my very first meditation download purchase.  She enjoyed the meditation so much that she bought 3 additional meditation tracks from my online store.  And here's the best part...

She told me that she had a particularly difficult patient who came in very angry and hitting himself in the head and he was inconsolable.  She had him lay down on the couch in her office and she played one of my meditations for him.  She said that he calmed down and by the end of the session he walked out like a new person.

I was so touched, moved, and inspired that my meditation was able to have such a positive impact on someone's life that I started crying as my colleague shared with me her experience.  Then it dawned on me that all this time that I have been suppressing my self-expression by not sharing my meditations has prevented potentially many others from also experiencing a positive effect.  So I started playing my meditations for people during their sessions and they actually enjoyed and appreciated it.

And you know what?  Even if someone doesn't enjoy or appreciate it, that's not the end of the world either.  What matters is to authentically share oneself openly, vulnerably, and completely, without holding back.

So let your light shine bright.  Be fearless.  Do your thing & share it with the world!  The impact you can make is unknowable.  Believe in yourself.  These are words that are easy to intellectualize, but sometimes a little harder to really internalize and actually put into practice.  But taking small steps will exercise the muscle and that muscle (of sharing your true authentic self and allowing yourself to be vulnerable) will get stronger with practice until it becomes second nature and not something that is feared, or avoided.  If you are not sure where to start in harnessing your own personal power and attaining the achievements you wish to accomplish, Landmark Education has a 3 course curriculum that will set you up on the path to success in all areas of life.  Life is too short to not realize your potential, to walk around unable to make your dreams come true.  It might just be the greatest gift that you give to yourself.  And you know what?  You deserve it and so does your circle of influence and the world.  When you are liberated and inspired it has a ripple effect on those around you and it truly makes the world a better place.  We need more of that!

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